abc MICROSOFT EXCEL 2010 - Cell

The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell .
Every cell has a unique address. made up of a column letter and a row number. At the next picture the cell A1 is signed and it is active cell.

Activecell accepts content typed on the keyboard.

Set of the cells is called RANGE. It is signed with the first cell in the upper left coner semicolumn and downer right cell. On the next picture is the range C3:F5.

Example 1:
The cell in the upperleft corner is labeled A1(column A,row 1)

Example 2:
The intersection of the column D and the row 5 is called cell D5.

Example 3:
The group of the cells from the cell C3 to the cell F5 is labeled cell C3:F5.

Each cell can contain:

  • a numeric value
  • an alphabetic label (text)
  • a formula representing a relationship with numbers or numbers in other cells

Values (numbers) can represent any kind of date(price,quantity,weather data,results, etc.)
Labels for easier work can be singed for example: exchange ratio,average value, etc.

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