abc MICROSOFT EXCEL 2010 - Edition datas in cell
Number tab - FORMAT CELLS dialog box

Paramaters of number are adjusting in EXCEL in NUMBER group - /RIBBON/ or in FORMAT CELLS - NUMBER dialogue window.

* Note: FORMAT FONT dialogue window opens with double clicking on arrow for displaying other parameters of group RIBBON >>.If the size of window in EXCEL small,then with the name of group /RIBBON/is a button with arrow for opening display other in a group.Arrow,for displaying parameters,is inside this window /RIBBON/. group /RIBBON/ >>.

Parameters of number:

  • /GENERAL/ The choice type of datas;
  • /DECIMAL PLACES/ Number of decimal places;
  • /USE 1000 SEPARATOR (,)/ Unmerge 1000;
  • /NEGATIVE NUMBERS/ Negative Number;
  • /SAMPLE/ Samople of number;
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Number tab - FORMAT CELLS dialog box, steps:

  1. The choice cell;
  2. Open FORMAT CELLS dialouge window;
  4. Select parameters;
  5. The end (Kraj).
