Relative adress 01 (COPY)

By copying the cell containing a formula, the adress in the formula is changed. When the user doesn't want the absolute adressing to be used /ABSOLUTE ADDRESS/. Indicator of the absolute adress is the string $ next to the letter and number which define the adress. This doesn't change the adress after copying the cell. Apsolutno adresiranje /ABSOLUTE ADDRESS/ 01 (COPY)


  1.    Kopiranje izraza the charter marker /MARKER/ A1 1
  2.    Kopiranje izraza the charter marker /MARKER/ A$1 2
  3.    Kopiranje izraza the charter marker /MARKER/ $A1 3
  4.    Kopiranje izraza the charter marker /MARKER/ $A$1 4
  5.    Kopiranje izraza the charter marker /MARKER/ horizontalno 5
  6.    Kopiranje izraza the charter marker /MARKER/ vertikalno 6

Relative adress 01 (COPY), steps:

  1. Select the cell containing the expression (B2)
  2. EDIT, COPY, copy the cell (B2) = B1 + C1;
  3. Type in + ;
  4. Click on the other cell (D2);
  5. EDIT, PASTE = D1 + E1;
  6. The end (Kraj).
