× Index 1. Introduction 2. Concept 3. Judgement 4. Conclusion Quiz

abc Logic


Gnoseology-philosophical study-greek gnosis-cognition; its nominal founder John Locke in his work  “Experiments in human intellect” asks a question-What can I know,what are the limits of cognition and its accompanying factors­? Towards the sources of cognition,we differ following gnoseological conceptions: sensualism(sensual cognition),empirism(experience),rationalism(intellect) and various forms of irrationalism(voluntarism,teologism,spiritualism…) Towards the limits of human cognition we differ following gnoseological standpoints: dogmatism(greek dogma-law,studying; who are dogmats?)
Everyone who acquire knowledge without critique and all laws consider to be unchangeable),criticism(or as some call it agnosticism from greek agnostos-unknown-it is impossible to find out the essence of the world-cognition is only certain until a certain limit is reached,not in a whole).skepticism(greek  skepsa-process of exploring the truth;it is thought that it is not possible to find out the objective truth…)

Images are taken from: Marušić Brezetić, D (2009). Filozofija, Zagreb: Profil.
Redesign: Mihajlo Bulaja, Gimnazija Banja Luka.