I salute thee, Serbian Duke,
Mišic Živojin of Valjevo!
Good luck to your dukedom
Won in the fierce battle
Where kingdoms were divided
By sabres,
With salvo from louder rifles
Thunder of heavy artillery
And war cries from heroes' throats.
Bright be your cheek on divan
And quick your sabre in combat,
Let flowers grow from your hands,
Honour and good name to your keen.
Thank you heroic old man
For your gift to the Hungarian:
Slavory to some, death to others
Some you threw into the Drina's waves, Few sent across it
Naked to the Vienesse Tsar
To tell him, wretched their mothers be,
How they had a good time in Serbia!
And thank you, Serbian Duke,
For taking away from them: rifles
Few sent across it
Naked to the Vienesse Tsar
To tell him, wretched their mothers be,
How they had a good time in Serbia!
And thank you, Serbian Duke,
For taking away from them: rifles
Full ammunition wagons and heavy artillery
And galleys-winged boats.
Now Fieldmarshal leutenants beg
Their Tsar in White Vienna
Not to send army on Serbia!
Long live, Serbian Duke!
Vienna looks at you wide-eyed
Your sabre rattles on your thighs;
It can be heard far away
Ringing to poor God.

Ova poema je objavljena u "Christmas issue of Pijemont", 24. decembra 1914 (prema starom kalendaru). Napisao ju je nepozati podnarednik, i poslao vojvodi, nakon velike pobjede srpske vojske u bici na Kolubari, kao čestitka na postavljenju za vojvodu.

Danijela Vuletić, 2001
All rights reserved.

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